Thursday, October 29, 2009

Navy Single Payer Doc to Challenge Leahy in Primary « Single Payer Action

Navy Single Payer Doc to Challenge Leahy in Primary « Single Payer Action

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I am not in love with the quality of this video but Democratic Primary candidate for US Senate in Vermont, Daniel Freilich clearly spells out what his stand is on Single Payer healthcare.  In light of the soon to be revealed congressional bill on this topic, I think that the Single Payer Blog is a must read and Dan must be listened to.

Friday, October 23, 2009

ActBlue — Daniel Freilich

This is an interesting little service that I didn't know about.
Please log on and support Dan for Senate!

ActBlue — Daniel Freilich: "Daniel Freilich. Election: VT-Sen, 2010. VT-Sen, 2010, All Elections. $. Image of Daniel Freilich. Already a supporter? Invite others to join you! ...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ripples from Wilmington: Rutland Herald Online

Ripples from Wilmington: Rutland Herald Online

Captain Dan in the news again.  As the campaign builds, I will update this blog whenever there is an interesting news article, blog post or comment on Daniel Freilich's run for Senate in Vermont.  Dan is a committed and independent voice who is beholden to no special interest.

Here is a good pic of Dan from the campaign kick-off event.

Go Dan Go!
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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Polling and Political Wrap-Up, 10/6/09

Polling and Political Wrap-Up, 10/6/09

Daily Kos has posted a good summary of Dan's run.  Scroll down to the comments below.  They give a good sense of what some Vermonters (Is this right?) think of his run.
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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Captain Daniel Freilich's First Full Article

A very fair, if brief, article has appeared today regarding my brother-in-law's (Daniel Freilich's) upcoming candidacy for US Sentate for the great state of Vermont.

Terri Hallenbeck's article titled "Shot From the Bow" in the Burlington Free Press's political blog, vt.Buzz presents a fair and clear outline of Dan's stand on things and includes a brief response from the Leahy campaign.

The article can be found here:

Go Dan Go!

Monday, October 5, 2009


Large is 12 and she is a cheerleader. But she isn't the kind of cheerleader who dances and cheers at football games to inspire the fans and charge up the boys. She is a competitive cheerleader or what is called an all-star. I am bringing this up because my father-in-law, a loyal New Yorker whose bible is the New York Times, sent us an article about cheerleading.

You can find the link here:

In a nutshell the article points out how dangerous cheerleading is. I don't have a problem with that. I cringe every time Large is hurled into the air or when she has the bottom of another girl's shoe grazing her cheek during a stunt. For us, the reality is that Large loves this sport. She has thrown all of her energy into learning the skill and becoming part of the team. Despite the danger, this is a sport that builds incredible life skills.

She could get hurt, but so could Small playing football or Medium could trip on the sidewalk on the way to school. So when the times bashes the sport for being dangerous, I don't mind.

But when self-righteous blowhards start talking about how the sport has lost its way. How it is about cheering for the boys and young men who are playing the "real" sport. Then I get angry. This is a sport that takes more athleticism than nearly any other sport that is played by youth and at the college level.

To all of the school sports leaders and misogynist parents who think that the girls should stop competing at a high level and get back on the ground and shout their cheers for the boys; wake up, it is the 21st century, women have the right to vote, own land, and compete in a sport in their own way. Girls don't need to cheer for the boys; the boys can motivate themselves just fine. I know, I have seen them do it.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

West Morris Soccer Rules

Just a quick weekend soccer update.  Small had a double header today and fought hard.  He was fortunate because his football game was moved to mid-week so he was able to both make his soccer games and have energy to play both.  The boys of Team First fought hard but in the end were defeated in both games.

Medium with her aGreatBand team hand a great game.  The girls are pulling together, playing as a team and showing success well beyond their individual abilities.  Gotta love this group of girls!

Large is still preparing for cheer season and starts Sunday practices next week.  We are all very proud of how hard she is working and how far she has come.  Her flying makes me sweat with nerves but it is amazing to see her up there!

Happy Sukkot Everyone

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Uncle Dani Gets Mentioned

My brother-in-law, Daniel Freilich has been mentioned in the news today. The article talks about his upcoming announcement as a candidate for US Senate for the great State of Vermont.